Five days of exhibitions, workshops, discussions on contemporary design, play with sound, light and image, and above all – unusual, even experimental and premiere concerts. Waiting for this year's edition of the festival, we invite you to watch what's behind us.
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27-03-2019, 13:50:00
The MDF festival does not just entail passive listening and watching. The program will also include practical classes to open the minds of adults, and allow children to realize their imagination in practice. Inspirational and creative.
Among the many trends and fields of art, music at the MDF festival will play a primary role. The interior of the Philharmonic will be filled with the sounds of interesting music genres which have little in common with classical music. Outstanding artists and performers.
For the duration of the festival, the interior of the Philharmonic will morph into an extraordinary gallery – an exhibition of furniture, graphics, large-format photographs and design, creating a unique scenography for all the events. There will be no special effects.
During the MDF festival, the Philharmonic will not only play with music, but also with light. Each of the five festival days will be a unique spectacle, in which the lighting effects will be combined with the sounds. A feast for the senses.
The assumption of the MDF festival is to capture the trends and laws governing contemporary design in real time and place. The direction will be given by eminent lecturers. A valuable dose of knowledge and extension of thought horizons.
The MDF Festival is a dialogue, not only between the various fields of art, but also their creators and recipients. A meeting place, confrontation of views, as well as discussions – planned and unplanned. A creative clash of thought and opinion.
Warszawski kolektyw panGenerator we wrześniu gościł w Filharmonii ze swoją instalacją SPIRALALALA, zainspirowaną kręconymi schodami w holu. Teraz artyści zdobyli Paszport Polityki w kategorii kultura cyfrowa, za wspomnianą pracę.
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11-01-2019, 10:01:22
Warszawski kolektyw panGenerator podczas pierwszej edycji MDF Festival gościł w Filharmonii ze swoją instalacją SPIRALALALA, zainspirowaną kręconymi schodami w holu. Teraz artyści zdobyli nominację do prestiżowej nagrody przyznawanej przez tygodnik „Polityka” w kategorii kultura cyfrowa, za wspomnianą pracę.
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07-12-2018, 13:12:06
The final concert of the MUSIC.DESIGN.FORM festival ended with a standing ovation, whose first edition the first took place at the Philharmonic in Szczecin on 19-23 September. Five days of exhibitions, workshops, discussions on contemporary design, play with sound, light and image, and above all – unusual, even experimental and premiere concerts. The variety of means of artistic expression was to lead to creative searches and exceptional artistic experiences. Was it really like that? The lively reactions of festival participants who willingly interacted with attractions confirmed that it is worth organizing events that are outside the classical trend and beyond all schemes.
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25-09-2018, 09:11:09
O tym, że MUSIC.DESIGN.FORM Festival obrał drogę nieschematyczną, wykorzystując różne środki wyrazu artystycznego do wywołania wyjątkowych przeżyć estetycznych, można się było przekonać już po dwóch dniach. Dźwięk i światło, muzyka i wizualizacje, design i oryginalna architektura budynku Filharmonii – wszystkie te elementy przestały istnieć oddzielnie, sprzyjając twórczym poszukiwaniom.
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21-09-2018, 12:17:14
Music, architecture, light, design and modern technologies for five days in one place. The music of Philip Glass, the sensual voice of BUIKA, the avant-garde group Apparatjik, the amazing Beardyman and the ruler of electronics – Hellfish. All this from September 19th to 23rd within the MUSIC.DESIGN.FORM Festival 2018 at the Philharmonic in Szczecin.
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18-09-2018, 15:51:31
Muzyka Philipa Glassa, zmysłowy głos BUIKI, awangardowa grupa Apparatjik, niesamowity Beardyman, elektroniczny Hellfish i aż dwa koncerty rodzinne – muzyczny MDF Festival zapowiada się wyjątkowo ciekawie. Festiwal to jednak nie tylko muzyka, ale także wystawy, warsztaty, dyskusje na temat współczesnego designu, design, architektura, światło i nowoczesne technologie. Wszystko to już od 19 do 23 września w Filharmonii w Szczecinie!
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18-09-2018, 15:44:25
Oficjalna inauguracja sezonu 2018/2019 w Filharmonii w Szczecinie już za nami, ale to festiwal MUSIC.DESIGN.FORM oficjalnie otworzy EduSezon. Warsztaty tworzenia instrumentówż i aż dwa koncerty rodzinne już w sobotę 22 września w Filharmonii w Szczecinie! Zapraszamy wszystkich fanów EduFilharmonii na finał warsztatów i popołudniowe spotkania z DoNutą.
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18-09-2018, 14:35:51
The musical logo of the MUSIC.DESIGN.FORM festival, which begins on September 19th is already known. This time we will present a visual preview together with the development of the sound logo in the symphonic version.
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24-08-2018, 17:28:09
Hellfish – one of the most significant producers of dance and experimental electronic music over 160 bpm will play for the first time in Poland! You will be able to hear him during the afterfarty of the MDF festival on September 22nd at Club K4 in Szczecin. Ticket sales for the after-party begin on August 16th.
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13-08-2018, 15:20:50
We regret to announce that the concert "An Evening of Chamber Music" planned for 20th September as part of the MDF festival will take place without the participation of Philip Glass due to the artist's health problems. Philip Glass was to appear on stage as a pianist, performing his own compositions with violinist Tim Fain and cellist Matt Haimovitz. Thus Philip Glass will be replaced by Maki Namekawa, an acclaimed pianist who has collaborated with the artist for a long time.
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11-08-2018, 08:52:04
How to remember this brand, having only the sphere of sounds at your disposal? A sound logo comes to the rescue – a recognizable musical theme that makes you faultlessly associate a melody with a given product. The MUSIC.DESIGN.FORM festival has now received its characteristic musical identifier, a festival jingle based on well thought out sound code.
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24-07-2018, 16:10:04
Pushka Studio, a creative studio created by Bartosz Wójcicki and Dorota Kołodziejczyk, has been nominated for the Polish Graphic Design Awards in the category of Motion graphics, mapping and projecting. Bartosz Wójcicki is one of the creators of the visual and light setting event taking place in the MUSIC.DESIGN.FORM Festival in September. Together with the interdisciplinary artist Pani Pawlosky, he designed the lighting effects on the facade of the Philharmonic building, each corresponding to a specific days of the Festival.
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17-07-2018, 14:20:31
Her voice leaves no-one indifferent. Slightly rugged and at the same time soft. Sensual and also sad. BUIKA, or María Concepción Balboa Buika, is an artists who has helped build the multicultural and multidimensional structures of art. She oscillates between different genres of music: jazz, soul, reggae, afrobeat and r'n'b, flavoring them with a characteristic flamenco accent. She will sing during the final of the MUSIC.DESIGN.FORM Festival on September 23rd, participating in the creation of a musical story about the famous woman with a beard – Julia Pastrana.
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12-07-2018, 15:59:10
The presale of tickets for concerts held as part of the September MUSIC.DESIGN.FORM Festival begins on May 29. For 60 days, or until July 29th, tickets will be available at a lower price! At the same time we are launching subscriptions for the festival workshops. It is worth bearing in mind that the admission is free of charge yet the number of seats is limited.
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25-05-2018, 14:25:52
On 24th May at 22.00 the Philharmonic in Szczecin will shine with colors. This unique experimental test is to show the lighting capabilities of the façade of the building that has never been fully used before. The test will certainly constitute a fascinating light show, but its role is much more important – preparation for the September MUSIC.DESIGN.FORM Festival, during which the building of the Philharmonic in Szczecin will play with light on such a large scale for the first time.
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24-05-2018, 09:36:05
Where is art heading? What is it that connects music, fine arts and contemporary urban lifestyle? How does performing influence the understanding and feeling of music? These and similar questions will be addressed during the MUSIC.DESIGN.FORM festival to take place on September 19th-23rd at the Philharmonic in Szczecin. Among the invited guests are professor Sabine Sanio, lecturer at the Department of Sound and Sonic Arts of the University of Art in Berlin, and Trine Blicher Folmer, architect and owner of the Danish architectural studio "Ghetto".
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26-04-2018, 10:36:17
A horn, the squeal of tires, the rattling of tram wheels, the "popping" of signals at pedestrian crossings, an ambulance siren ... the repertoire of sounds in each major city is enormous, and has been noticed by many composers. However, nobody yet has created a sound image of Szczecin. The Sound of Szczecin will be recorded during an exceptional action to become the foundation of the premiere song "The Sound of Szczecin" on 17th-18th April, where originally marked BMW electric cars, driven by well-known residents of Szczecin, will take to the streets of Szczecin. The experimental musical piece "The Sound of Szczecin" will be the first musical experiment of its kind, the effect of which will be presented on the last day of the MUSIC.DESIGN.FORM Festival at the Symphony Hall of the Philharmonic in Szczecin. BMW Dealer Bońkowscy is the partner of the event.
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16-04-2018, 12:15:48
To create, inspire, develop your creative potential – such slogans will dominate the fourth day of the MDF Festival 2018 – MUSIC.DESIGN.FORM. The program for September 22nd features unique workshops for children concerning creating musical instruments ... from junk, as well as workshops on urban design addressed to art school students and graduates. In the evening, during the afterparty at the Szczecin loft of culture – Club K4, the final in a series of workshops for DJs will take place.
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12-04-2018, 10:54:55
During the MUSIC.DESIGN.FORM Festival, the interior of the Philharmonic in Szczecin will become an amazing gallery – an exhibition of furniture, large-format photographs and design, creating a unique scenography for the festival events. On show are furniture designs by one of the most outstanding architects of classical modernism – Ludwig Mies van der Rohe, the photographic exhibition "Danish design in the lens of Piotr Topperzer", and an interactive installation by panGenerator. Over the five festival days from September 19th to 23rd, the Mieczysław Karłowicz Philharmonic in Szczecin will become a place where sound, light, architecture and applied art will merge into one cohesive artistic message.
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05-04-2018, 16:37:28
A swoosh, interlocking rings or golden arches. Logotypes surround us on every side. Even children are able to accurately guess which companies are behind the pictures. But what if the logo consisted of sounds? The MUSIC.DESIGN.FORM festival taking place on September 19-23 at the Philharmonic in Szczecin, crosses all boundaries. The concert on the fourth day of the festival, September 22, is entitled "Navigator – musical logos of the cityscape", and features a commissioned composition – we will design sound logotypes matching the largest squares in Szczecin! And in the evening – an afterparty! The Philharmonic will join forces with the Szczecin K4 Club. Rombanka Soundsystem – the oldest breakcore collective in Poland – will perform that evening!
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29-03-2018, 12:59:38
The next stars of the MUSIC.DESIGN.FORM_Festival will really heat up the atmosphere in the Philharmonic in Szczecin... Symphonic and electronic sounds, bold stage design, as well as light visualizations will together form unique performances – concerts with the participation of Apparatjik and one of the best beatboxers in the world – Beardyman.
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20-03-2018, 15:50:37
On the second day of the festival, September 20th at 19.00, Philip Glass will perform, alongside Tim Fain – violin and Matt Haimovitz – cello, "An Evening of Chamber Music" at the Philharmonic in Szczecin.
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01-03-2018, 20:14:38